Wednesday 15 May 2019

TGO Challenge 2019 - Day 6

Date: Wednesday 15 May 2019

Route: Bridge of Gaur to wild camp by Tempar Burn below Schiehallion (NN 696 554 - 500 metres)

Distance: 30 km (Cum: 130)

Ascent: 750 metres (Cum: 5100)

Time taken: 9 hrs including 2.3 hrs breaks

Weather: sunny and warm, t-shirts, sunglasses and sun tan cream all recommended

We lingered at our favourite B&B, chatting to Eddie and Heather and their other guests, Ron and Jackie, until 10 am. They looked after us brilliantly, even lending me a spare pair of trousers while mine were in their washing machine with the rest of our clothes. What a contrast to the Bridge of Orchy experience. Heather's home cooked dinner was far superior, as was everything else at Bridge of Gaur.

We set off with Sabine, from Landshut near Munich, and had the pleasure of her company all day. She is on her fourth Challenge and will be climbing her 40th Munro (Schiehallion) tomorrow in her 40th year on this, the 40th Challenge.

Just one minute into our walk we met two laden backpackers. None other than our good friends Mike and Marian. The latter struggling with sore feet. What a shame they didn't know Eddie and Heather had a spare room last night.

We left them to their road walk and took the narrow path along the southern flank of Leagag, before entering forest to complete the walk to Carie along pleasant forest tracks. Twittering birds and the usual flower strewn verges, including bird's-eye speedwell, brightened our journey. The last section into Carie was along a 'yellow' footpath route that was particularly attractive. We saw just one person, a mountain biker carrying out a recce for a walk for some scouts. We ignored the 'No Entry: Forestry Operations' signs. There were no such operations. It's quite disturbing how such signs are allowed to litter forest walks and give unnecessary stress to members of the public who are trying to enjoy the paths.

The 5 km walk along the quiet road to Kinloch Rannoch wasn't unpleasant. A runner passed us twice and gracefully declined to help carry our heavy bags!

Peter and Rachel were debating where to camp at the head of Loch Rannoch, where there are lots of spots to put a tent. Many of these places had been taken by folk with cars or motor homes. It's a great spot, with lovely views down the loch.

We headed to the village shop for ice creams and cold drinks. Most refreshing on the hot day. We chatted to a jovial local, and to a chap who had flown in from Ben Lawers. His paragliding kit was neatly packed away; he seemed to be wandering aimlessly - we wonder how he got home...

By now it was 5.30, so we set off again on a short section of quiet road next to fields of deer and wires lined with swallows. Thrushes pecked in the verges. Then we headed up a well graded 300 metre ascent along a Land Rover track to this spot, which turns out to be precisely where I had planned (by guesswork) to camp. We reached it at 7 pm, our latest finish. Sabine carried on a little way so that she could tackle tomorrow's ascent of Schiehallion from a high point along the path.

Today's pictures:
Outside Bridge of Gaur Guesthouse with Eddie and Heather
A chance meeting with Mike and Marian
Sue and Sabine on the flanks of Schiehallion
Wild Camp on Day 6

More photos from Sabine.

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  1. It was great to see you both again and catch up, may the weather remain fair for the rest of your challenge. Eddie, Heather, Thomas and Finn

  2. It's always a great pleasure to stay at Bridge of Gaur Guesthouse, Eddie and Heather, you should be on every Challenger's itinerary.
    We really enjoyed our stay and we hope to see you all soon.
