Sunday 29 March 2020

Pyrenees HRP - 2004 - Day 57 - Epilogue 3

Sue and Martin's Big Adventure
Day 57 - Monday 20 September 2004 - Epilogue 3

Ille-sur-Têt to Carcassonne
Diary Entry (by Martin)
Leisurely start from Ille-sur-Têt on as direct a route as possible to Carcassonne, less than 100 km away. First we stopped at Estagel, bought chocolate croissants and ate them on a bench next to some people washing up the contents of two cool boxes, under a peculiar clock (pictured above) and a noisy loudspeaker which was advertising the local market.

Unsure of our route beyond here, we wisely bought a 1:150,000 map. Thus we navigated easily to Quillan, for coffee and a supermarket where lunch was obtained. This place lacked the interest afforded by our next port of call - Limoux - a smashing little town with ancient churches and squares, on the banks of L'Aube. On the way we passed through a narrow gorge full of various rafting ventures.
After delightful Limoux we continued towards Carcassonne and left the main road to complete the last few kilometres on minor roads. We pulled in to a field of vines for a lunch of salads, tomatoes, cheese, crisps, yoghurt and the rest of our much loved toblerone bar (mountain food for the last couple of days).
There was much waving from local van and tractor drivers passing to and fro with loads of grapes. An excellent lunch.
Then to the Cité campsite at Carcassonne. 3* - "Sunny or shady?" We chose a shady site that also had a sunny spot and which overnight was dark and secluded.
A visit to the old Cité followed. Here we wandered around before completing our postcards for this trip, and enjoying a coffee.
Lots of English here. Back to camp. Shower. Back to Cité for a nice final meal (despite nearby noxious English) at Le Plo restaurant. Salads, salmon, cheese, cakes. And late to bed - 10 pm!

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