Monday 30 March 2020

Pyrenees HRP - 2004 - Day 58 - Epilogue 4

Sue and Martin's Big Adventure
Day 58 - Tuesday 21 September 2004 - Epilogue 4

Going Home
Diary Entry (by Sue)
Flying home day. A cool breezy morning. Bought pain au chocolat for breakfast from the campsite shop, and packed rucksacks for the final time.
Left the campsite and parked between the town centre and the Cité. Did a tour of the town centre bookshops to find a relief map of the Pyrenees, but only a large one (at €72) was available. Shopped for lunch and tea at a small supermarket. Returned over the river to the Cité, to purchase a few small gifts, and to relax over a coffee in the leafy square.
Then we headed for Perpignan airport along the autoroute. Extremely windy, but it became sunnier as we travelled east. Nice salad lunch at a picnic area, and we arrived at the airport just before 3 pm, having refuelled at the Intermarché at Rivesaltes.
The flight left early. On its route, we flew west, and out of our window, a panorama of the whole Pyrenees range, with a sea of cloud part way up on the French side. Apart from Canigou, we couldn't identify any peaks, but it was immensely satisfying to know we had crossed it all.

The plane veered away to fly up France's west coast, so we had to let go at last. At Stansted, hired a Peugeot 206, stopped for our last picnic of baguette and pâté on the dark A14, and arrived in Timperley at 11 pm.
The 'Big Adventure' is over.

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