Wednesday 1 April 2020

1 April 2020 - A Blogging Landmark

You need to click on this image to see it properly
After exactly 12½ years since its launch, this blog's page views went over the one million mark yesterday, according to Google.
So someone must be reading it! (Alright, I know some people get that many page views every day!)
It looks as if only 10-20% (30 to 50) of any day's page views relate to the current posting. The rest must arise from search engine enquiries, including images - of which there are many thousands that I've uploaded.
That does make sense, as I quite often notice reference to my own postings and images when 'searching'.
If you were interested in yesterday's 'History of Toys' posting, have a look again after tomorrow afternoon, when I will have added a few more pictures etc.
This would be a boring entry without a bit extra - how about a picture of Susan and Roy, currently under 'House Arrest' in Connecticut, on the Col de Vallonpierre (2271 metres) on 8 September 2012.
Happy Days!


  1. I couldn't resist a bit of nerdy comparison:

    Approximate rounded off figures:

    Your blog - 12. 5 yrs. - 1m pageviews = approx. 80k per yr.

    My blog - 11 years - 372,126 pageviews = approx 34k per yr.

    I'm not sure at all what that says. I suppose there could be endless interpretations, but congrats. to you on that milestone.

  2. Haha, it's not a contest. If it was, we'd have lots more 'gear' postings! A nice milestone though...
