Thursday 2 April 2020

2 April 2020 - Wish we were here...

This should be our view at the time of posting. Sadly it isn't. But on the plus side (Big Plus) we are healthy at present.

Definitely in the sick bay though, is our wifi. I think our router may have broken. An engineer has been booked. Meanwhile, it's back to 'mobile' postings, as would have featured today in normal times. 


  1. Just swapped our wifi/broadband from Sky to Vodafone. 50% increase in speed 50% reduction in price. No brainer. No set up fees. Router included as is the phone line. Swapping all done by them, we did nothing but connect up the new router.
    Hope your sickly one gets better soon.
    Shame about your missed trip Martin but you won't be alone in this predicament. Stay in, stay safe. Hope Sue's ok.

  2. I had an endless problem over several weeks after switching to Fibre Broadband. I had three successive engineer visits. The last one suggested I contact my service provider for a new router - Openreach only check the line as fsr as the router. EE sent me new router which I plugged in and all was fine. Why that could';t have been identified and sorted at the begnning I have no idea.

  3. Our cancelled holiday was an observation rather than a whinge, Alan. We are in a much better position than many people, albeit Sue has to go in to work at MRI.

    Virgin Media have been excellent; they attended this morning, 36 hours after I reported the fault (they are very busy due to so many people working from home), after the wifi had started to work again. Their social distancing was exemplary, even down to the two men arriving in separate vans. They tried to sort the problem from the outside of the house, but eventually had to come inside, where after a good deal of investigation one of them tracked down the problem to a slightly crushed section of core in a cable by the skirting board in the front bedroom. He replaced that section of cable and everything is now working. It wasn't a router problem after all.
    If the problem comes back, they will visit again and do a complete re-wire.

    Having very recently suffered a hard disc failure, I wonder what's next!
