Sunday 10 May 2020

New Zealand Revisited (2)

I've spent a bit of time on our New Zealand pictures today, and have sorted and re-named the first four days' images. Here are one from each day.
Above - on 23 January 2008, an orchid in the wonderful botanic gardens in Singapore.
Next, on 24 January, a picture of the impressive Sri Mariamman Temple - a Hindu temple in the heart of the Chinese quarter in Singapore.
On 25 January, we flew to Christchurch, where our first port of call was some more botanic gardens!
The next day, 26 January, we visited Akaroa and the Banks Peninsula, where we found lots of sea shells.
That's it for now - there are links, where I give the date in bold text, to our contemporaneous blog postings, should anyone be interested. Note the second link (posting) covers several days.
Meanwhile, here in Timperley there have been VE Day celebrations - rather 'socially distanced' for want of a better description. A 'phone call with one of this blog's most avid readers revealed, in answer to the question - "What did you do on VE Day in 1945?" the following: "I was aged 20 then, and cycled from Rugeley to Milford Common with Margaret (younger sister), where there was a big party and we danced with the soldiers. I remember it vividly."
Well remembered, Dot.

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