Tuesday 23 June 2020

24 February to 3 March 1990 - A Week in Kinlochewe - Part 5

Thursday 1 March (Dave)

Superb views when I woke up, were quickly obscured by snowstorm.
As John needs to rest anyway (due to High Peak Marathon on Friday and Saturday), we decide to go for a local walk and set out at about 11:00.
We walked from the chalet down the road to the east and took the path on other side of the river. We were all dressed in full waterproofs, which began to come off in the good weather. There were good views of Beinn Eighe. Much photographed. Even John took a photo.
We carried along the path into the forest, where the weather turned worse and cags were put back on.
Path shown as going through forest (very thin dotted line on 1:25,000 map) Eventually found path - a sort of tunnel in the forest. Necessitated hoods up. Hard work. Occasional cairns and a few open clearings with tracks down them. Finally make it to the edge of the forest. Carry on to the far end and then down (west) to the river and along to a bridge where we stop to eat.
Post bus going over the bridge dislodges snow down Dave's neck.

Walk back to chalet along road in swirling snow for most of the way. Back for a cup of tea and early meal.
 Here's our route, if I remember correctly - 12 km with 200 metres ascent.
Leave at 5:30 for Achnasheen station, for John's 6:18 train. John has a punishing schedule - overnight to Edinburgh, then to Darlington for food, wash, sleep. Then public transport to Edale for 11 pm for the start of the overnight High Peak Marathon (42 miles). His train was delayed by a landslide and arrived at 8:15. We were therefore forced to have several pints at the hotel. Men manning gritting lorries were also in the bar. Including an Englishman who has settled here. Martin and Dave eventually return to chalet following the tracks of the gritter lorry, in almost zero visibility at the high point - not very pleasant. Decide to abandon 1000 piece jigsaw which we started just before tea. There's no chance of completing it.

Early to bed.

Part 4
Part 6

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