Tuesday 23 June 2020

24 February to 3 March 1990 - A Week in Kinlochewe - Part 4

Wednesday 28 February (Martin)

Early rise to deposit Laurie at Achnasheen Station at 8 am. Return through snow storm for leisurely breakfast. John becomes reticent about beans. But they have their effect. Wind has died down - a warmish, dullish day.

Found out last night that their are more tiles off the roof at home, and the garden fence has blown down.

Radio 4 has a soporific effect.

Eventually decide to go up John's last Fannaich hill, a grassy lump according to him. Any 'weather' won't cause problems.

Usual breakfast, leisurely start. Renew acquaintance with Achnasheen Hotel at 11:00. Get out to an icy blast. Not so dull either. Quickly don gear then fumble for a while deciding which way to ascend.

Commence plod up Allt Achadh na Sine, eastern bank, per guidebook. Meet a man in yellow waterproofs carrying only a brush. Snow is not too deep, so it's a steady ascent without problems. Meet a skier who set off up at 10 am. He has been quick! Apparently the snow higher up is superb for skiing. He tells of being at Kingshouse in Glencoe yesterday, when the body which reportedly fell 3000 feet in Glen Etive was brought down. Apparently three separate parties were benighted. All are ok except the poor unfortunate who descended through a cornice.
On up the exposed windswept slope. Any sheep here would be eating their own wool. John and Martin rest briefly and wait for Dave, who announces that he can't continue without a drink. Coffee and half of lunch (jam butties and spindrift) follow whilst we all cool down. John decides overtrousers are needed (others had them on from the start).
Carry on up the gentle slope and reach the summit of Fionn Bheinn (933 metres) in about the 2½ hours standard time.
Soon we are on our way down. Head east and then make a basic error, taking the north east spur instead of Toll Beag, to the east. The view, when it appears after some abortive efforts at glissading, is clearly wrong. Debate whether to continue down and round. Decide to go back up. Steady plod up again. Axes out briefly to traverse the top of the coire, and then down to the wall on Toll Beag referred to in the Munro guidebook.
There was deeper snow here, and some streams which we all have adventures with. We head down to the west of the path, meeting the plantation at an apparent opening. Go left to pick up a path through the plantation - an interesting stroll through the trees. Out onto the road. Soon back at Achnasheen Hotel (3:30) where a happy hour is spent.
 Here's an approximation of our route - 14 km with 1000 metres ascent.
Back to chalet. Lots of toast and tea, and Z's from those who had most at the boozer. Lots of birds in the Achnasheen vicinity, and a large herd of deer just above the village.

Snow showers. Radio 4 - sleet and snow everywhere - there is even rain in the West Indies that is delaying an unusual English test match victory!

Part 3
Part 5

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