Wednesday 5 August 2020

TGO Challenge - Wild Camps (No 25: 15 May 2010)

A superb spot to camp on Day 2 of my 2010 Challenge. After dropping down to Glenfinnan for lunch, and meeting Robert Ridgewell on his first Challenge (he had walked along the road from Lochailort - there are many ways to skin this cat), I went over my sixth Corbett of this crossing, Sgorr Craobh a'Chaorainn, before plonking the tent at my planned stopping point at around 600 metres, near a lochan at NM885750.

The view shown is taken facing east, with Sgurr Ghiughsachain, my first objective for the morrow.

The weather was coming from the west, hence the tent is facing east. Later that evening I made the following observation as to the weather:

"The gale outside has eased, but the rain is (at 9.30pm) lashing down as vociferously as ever."

Happy Days!

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