Thursday 6 August 2020

Wednesday 5 April 2006 - Some Flowers in Timperley, and an Evening Walk

Delving back to another random day from the past, I clicked on these two photos from 5 April 2006, on what must have been a frosty morning in Timperley.
A quick check with the diary, and I discovered a record of a walk on this day that was clearly camera free. Probably because of the time of day of the walk. However, there's a short diary entry, thus:
"A fine evening this year for our pilgrimage to Alderley Edge - the usual 8 km route, in its entirety this time. Richard and Jenny gave Sue and me a lift to the Drum and Monkey, where we met Andrew. A quick beer and we were away. We were well along the Edge before dusk fell, amidst the squawking of crows and the hooting of owls. The moon cast a good shadow, so Jenny's new torch wasn't really necessary. We did keep a good pace, taking from 7:32 to 9:45, 2 hours 13 minutes, only slightly less than Naismith pace. Tonight there were no 'fallers', unlike Andrew last year, and we stayed dry. Then we enjoyed another beer and went home."
Here's the route:
Perhaps we should do this again sometime, as this particular 'pilgrimage' seems to have fallen into a distant memory!.

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