Friday 7 August 2020

Thursday 6 August 2020 - The 'Famous Five' in Cheshire

Well, the same 'Famous Five' as in many previous postings, most recently the evening walk on 5 April 2006 referred to in yesterday's posting, were reunited for another evening in 'Deepest Cheshire', with Andrew leading, as is now customary. With the passing years the distance covered on these walks has subsided to around 5 km. They used to be as much as 15+ km and finish really late after a busy day at work.
Anyway, we parked up at a nondescript lay-by to which Andrew's directions easily guided us. With R&J running late, Sue and I spent a relaxing 15 minutes with Andrew on the camp chairs that live in the boot of Sue's car.
Once we got going ('no rush, it's only 5 km') we soon reached the bubbling cauldron of this part of Cheshire's favourite river - the Peover Eye.
Nearby, Jodrell Bank telescope was in its resting position. Andrew explained that it had remained so since Lockdown due to public sector workers having been able to take time off on full pay. (I'm not sure I buy that one, Andrew!)
It's nice to know that the Cheshire farmers are still working hard - these cows were incredibly clean, and very well behaved (behind their electric fence).

It was a warm hot summer's evening, so something of a surprise to see smoke swirling from a chimney at Bate Mill, though judging by the car the place may be in some sort of parallel universe. (See below!)
Peover Eye was crossed again as dusk curtailed photographic activity. It's a fine body of water for one that emanates fairly close by (near Redesmere?).
Garmin appear to have paid their ransom and are back to a semblance of normal, so this week I was able to download the route, which amounted to a little over 5km, and a few more stiles than Andrew would have liked if anyone but he had chosen it!

Conrad obviously has more time on his hands than I have:
Here's his take on Bate Mill...



  1. There is definitely an almost medieval atmosphere about your Bate Mill. The car is irritatingly anachronistic. I suppose those houses may have been thatched in their day?

  2. Conrad, my talents with Photoshop sadly don't include being able to replace a dead Volvo with a horse and trap!

    But I do take your point...

  3. See link to photo in Dropbox:

  4. OK, it's a Mercedes, not a Volvo!

  5. SORRY! Got the wrong Dropbox link - please try again:

  6. Ok, ok! It's the Mk1 Mercedes designed in 1522 that featured critically in The Knight's Revolt. German technology rules ok. See footnote to the blog....
