Friday 12 March 2021

Friday 12 March 2021 - Wilmslow and Nether Alderley

With Lockdown rules having been slightly relaxed this week, I was able to legitimately travel to Wilmslow and enjoy a socially distanced walk with Graeme J, including a coffee and cake break on the benches at the entrance to Nether Alderley church.

The church is pictured above, and in warmer weather we could enjoy a break on the benches shown in this view (below) from the church.

On the day, the benches were a little short for social distancing, and pretty wet from some heavy rain that fell whilst I was driving to Wilmslow, but stopped the moment I got out of the car!

Our route took us past Radnor Mere, where there is a good network of well laid paths on the old Astra-Zeneca site, overlooking private land with a distant monument - just off to the right of the next picture.

Looking across the mere, the large multi-storey car park that comes into view seems a bit of an anachronism.

Emerging into the village of Nether Alderley, we passed this delectable looking cottage. What a contrast to the fenced in mansions of Alderley Edge that followed.

We arrived eventually at the roundabout that marks the start of the Alderley Edge by-pass, and the following explanatory plaque. (Click on the image for a better version.)

Is it really ten years since this road was opened? Time does fly...

Here's our route, a very pleasant one with very few people around - about 13 km with 150 metres ascent, taking us a leisurely 3 hours or so.

Thanks for your company Graeme, and see you next week.

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