Thursday 11 March 2021

Ullapool 2007 - 25 March - Meall Horn

Sunday 25 March

The day dawned clear and the Tigh na Mara 5 (me, Dave, Barry, Andrew and Julie - Sue B must have been at work or tripping elsewhere) set off to the foot of Foinaven. On a lovely day with a cool breeze on the tops and occasional wisps of low-level cloud. Dave and Julie completed the Foinavon traverse whilst Andrew, Barry and I ambled up Meall Horn and strolled back via Lone, where 'No Pedestrians' must use the bridge.

The view from Tigh na Mara, from where (above) Dave is pictured leaving

We continued along the path beside Loch Stack, regardless

This turned out to be just a Health and Safety sign and not a bar to entry to this fairly remote area.

We saw just one person, an elderly Scotsman, on our walk, plus Barry befriended an Englishman from Southport who had just bought a house in Drumbeg. He was strangely attired in bright red JJB sportswear and shorts. (The man from Southport, not Barry!)

10:00 start after 1½ hour drive.

11:40 - 55 - stop on path where Julie and Dave continued up Foinaven.

13:00 - 15 - first summit.

13:45 - 50 - main summit (Meall Horn).

14:00 - 25 - lunch above col before sharp descent to LRT at 160 metres.

15:55 - reach LRT, then back to car by 17:00.

Woodland beyond Lone

Arkle, from the slopes of Meall Horn

Barry and Andrew, with Foinaven

Ascending Meall Horn (777 metres)

Reaching the summit of Meall Horn, with Foinaven behind

Descending, with a view to Foinaven, and Barry negotiating some deep groughs

The path to Lone

Several herds of deer seen. 

Then we drove north for 20 minutes or so to meet Julie and Dave at the end of their ascending track.

Quite a long wait - they eventually appeared at 18:45, so it was after 8 pm by the time we got back to Ullapool. Nice drive with the setting sun.

Also got a good deer silhouette photo from the end of Julie and Dave's track. They had a difficult descent over steep snow to get off Foinaven. 

Red deer at Gualin

Julie and Dave emerge from the Foinaven track

A view from the road to Ullapool

No time for a shower - we all gathered in the Ceilidh Place for a nice meal, except Pam and Paul who had returned from Suilven even later than us.

Phil and Sue had enjoyed a walk on Quinag.

Pam on Suilven

Our route - 19 km with 950 metres ascent, taking a leisurely 7 hours

Next Day

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