Wednesday 11 August 2021

2 to 5 May 1980 - Backpacking in Glencoe

This report on an early backpacking trip is quite lengthy, with about 70 images, including copies of the diary entries transcribed by Nick. You may wish to click on an image and speed through the slideshow.

I was joined on this trip by Ruaridh, John (RIP), Dave, Nick, and Roger, who we picked up in Glasgow for the journey to Glencoe. We thought nothing about squeezing the six of us with backpacks into my Cortina Estate, the first of many vehicles generously provided by my employer.

Here are Nick's notes on getting there:

Diary entries are inserted at the end of each day's pictures. Today (Saturday) we clambered up to the Aonach Eagach ridge directly from near the Clachaig Inn - a fairly abrupt way to start a three day backpack.

Dave readjusts prior to ascent

Roger takes a rest in view of Loch Leven

The Pass of Glencoe from Sgor nam Fionnaidh

Party time on Sgor nam Fionnaidh

Looking ahead, along the Aonach Eagach ridge

Loch Leven and Sgorr Dhearg

Negotiating Aonach Eagach

I remember Roger getting scared here. I had to go back to carry his rucksack for him over the scrambly bits; I didn't suffer from vertigo then.

Looking back along the ridge

The group near Am Bodach

Roger admires the view towards the Mamores

The start of the descent towards the Devil's Staircase, with Buachaille Etive Mor and Beag

By the time we pitched camp above the Devil's Staircase it was 7pm. Here's what Nick wrote about that wonderful day in the mountains:

Here's our approximate route - 11 km with 1400 metres ascent.

Sunday morning saw us rise in a leisurely manner at our spot near the head of Allt a Choire Odhar-Bhig.

An assortment of tents were deployed, including models by Saunders and Vango, plus two Karrimor wedge tents, designed for mountain marathons but comfortable for backpacking. I still have the wedge, and I know Frank Brierley (a work colleague) also had one (we got 'seconds' for half price - £14 - at the YHA shop near Piccadilly); there were two on this trip - perhaps someone will remind me as to who was using the other one.

The Mamores, from the top of Devil's Staircase

Buachaille Etive Mor from the top of Devil's Staircase

The view to Glencoe from Altnafeadh

Early morning at the climbers cottage at Altnafeadh, 
with the snowy coire we were to ascend in the distance

Ascending Buachaille Etive Mor

The steep snow slope in Coire na Tulaich

Rannoch Moor from Stob Dearg, with Nick

Aonach Eagach and the Mamores from Stob Dearg

Glencoe from Stob Dearg

Dave near Stob Dearg summit

Stob Dearg and Rannoch Moor

A view back to the Devil's Staircase


Bidean nam Bian and Loch Leven

Looking back to Stob Dearg and beyond

Roger's scree running causes a landslide

We then made our way to a camping spot in Lairig Eilde, where Ruaridh composed the following diary entry:

Here's our approximate route - 13 km with 1200 metres ascent.

Dave took over the diary writing on Bank Holiday Monday, complaining that his entry was necessarily short, in sympathy with his short rest breaks.

The camping spot was fine

Here, John admires the view from the minor summit at 2523' on Beinn Fhada

There was a good view down Glen Etive to Loch Etive

Ruaridh, on Stob Coire Sgreamhach, with Bidean Nam Bian

The view north, with Ben Nevis

Resting on the summit of Bidean nam Bian

Bidean nam Bian

The diary refers to self-timed pictures, but Roger must have taken this one

Descending the Stob Coire ridge from Bidean nam Bian

The view to Loch Leven

Roger admires the Aonach Eagach ridge, with Ben Nevis beyond it

Loch Leven

The view south/west

Looking back to our route of descent

Looking down to the Clachaig Inn, and a patch of burnt heather

Glencoe, and Aonach Eagach

Back in Glencoe

The final scanned slide shows my car next to a significant area of burnt vegetation. We had heard fire engines the previous day, but we hadn't realised that they had been called to 'rescue' my precious company car!

Dave managed to scribble the following diary entry before all six of us squeezed back into the car. It was a great relief to those on the rear seats when Roger disembarked in Glasgow.

Here's our approximate route - 12 km with 1200 metres ascent.

Here's the whole round - 36 km with 3800 metres ascent, including six Munro summits, though at the time maybe only four of them were recognised as such.

I hope you enjoyed reading that as much as I enjoyed putting it together...


  1. Nick comments:

    Hi Martin, Hi all,
    Thanks a lot for posting all the 1980‘s diary entries, especially those I typed (with 2 fingers in those days) on your posh electric typewriter. Would be at least another 15 years before I sat at a desk with a pc on it. Nobody knew what to do with it, so I had to learn a very early Word Processing software. Now I’m working every day from my home office, following PowerPoint presentations and video meetings, checking emails on my mobile phone. I wonder what work will look like in 40 years from now?

    Like Dave, I have fond memories of that Glencoe trip - no idea how I managed Aonach Eagach with what looks like a fairly new Karrimor framed rucsac. But it still goes down as one of my all-time great weekends - I distinctly remember being able to smell cars when we arrived back on the empty road after we‘d been in the hills for a few days. And of course the scorched earth next to Martin‘s new car. Btw, was that the weekend when Martin‘s wedge nearly blew away in the middle of the night? Not mentioned in the diary so I assume I’ve mis-remembered. Btw, I assume the second wedge belonged to JM.

    Wet Wales Weekend Wander - possibly my one and only trip to the Rhinogs, which is a shame. None of us knew that area except possibly JM, so the Magazine article was helpful. Not many paths either, as I remember. Even though the start of the trip was distinctly wet, the last part, where we’re shown relaxing next to a small lake, was beautiful.

    Interesting to read about the pre-planning for our Austria trip, which I think you’ve already posted Martin?

    Stay well and healthy!


    Yes Nick, the Austrian trip has been related in detail within these pages - M

  2. The above was in response to Dave's comment:

    I remember the walk very well. The ridge was a bit of a shock as was the scorched grass around the car - it looked a lot closer when we spotted the car from on high.
