Thursday 12 August 2021

Wednesday 11 August 2021 - A Sizzler, and some new gates

The final Sizzler of the year was held in support of St Ann's Hospice, with an emphasis on care for those with terminal lung cancer.

Rain dampened us before the start, but eased off pretty quickly after I decided to run wearing an anorak. The same thing happened at Burnley parkrun last Saturday.

I started about ten seconds behind Sue, and despite trying quite hard I was unable to catch up with her. So my 'chip time' was the only recompense. She thought that her time of 25:19 was a PB by one second, but it was actually 59 seconds outside her best!

For Thursday's (today) exercise I took a 8 km route from home, including a section in Carrington Moss, where new fences and gates have been installed since I was last there. The next picture shows a gate near the locked access back road to the recycling plant, and where there used to be a 'cut through' there is no sign at all of that path, which is now concealed by tall vegetation.

I don't know what they are trying to keep out, as the fence is incomplete in places - such as where the route of the Trans Pennine Trail passes through the Moss.

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