Friday 29 April 2022

Friday = Isabella Day (7)

A return to normality today found us in the sunshine that was absent yesterday (report pending) with Isabella, pictured above in Walton Park, where Sue and I enjoyed excellent coffees from the barge cafe.

The slide was great fun today

"Next stop - Timperley"

"I'll push my own chair today"

The 'Friends of Walton Park' are putting in many hours in an effort to make the place attractive. 
They are succeeding

"Where's that football? It keeps running away!"

Back home for lunch, then a two hour snooze...

"No, I don't get it!" "Why are you blowing so hard..."

"I do get this. Love the swings in Newton Park"

And then we went home. What a lovely day.

1 comment:

  1. What a jolly start this morning looking at your pics as I munch my breakfast.
