Sunday 1 May 2022

A Postcard (April 2022)

Much of April was spent getting Dot into and out of Beechcroft Care Home in Stafford, and back to her house in Eccleshall with live-in carer Regina. It's a nice walk/wheelchair ride from Dot's house to the church at the other end of the village.

We did manage some parkruns - below on 9 April you might just spot Sue, Kate and Alastair finishing in formation behind an over eager dog...

Full results are here.

On 10 April the sun shone for the modest number of participants in Sunday's Wythenshawe Community Run (2km and 5km routes). Their Facebook page is here.

After a busy week, we returned to Wythenshawe on 16 April, after which parkrun Paul and Jeanette kindly hosted coffee and cake in their garden, in celebration of Paul's 400th parkrun. Full results are here.

Two chatty Sues at the finish

Easter Monday was a day to enjoy the trad jazz on offer at Eagley by way of the Chicago Teddybears Society Jazz Band. Excellent.

Then on 21 April we strolled down to the Waterside Theatre in Sale to enjoy a few film extracts from the Kendal Mountain Festival.

Friday 22 April = Isabella Day.

Saturday 23 April found us with Jacob, Seb and Louise, in Towneley Park, Burnley, for another parkrun. It's a crowded start in front of the hall, but folk soon spread out. Results are here.

On Thursday28 April I managed a short walk before adjourning for some dog walking in Bacup. Here's the River Wyre near Abbeystead. A report on that walk will follow.

Later, all ready for Sue's book club event. Opinions were divided regarding 'Still Life' by Sarah Winman.

The end of the month brought more sunshine and a visit to Wythenshawe for our weekly parkrun.

We hadn't seen TGO Challenger Alistair for a while - it was good to catch up - he was visiting Wythenshawe parkrun for the first time and didn't expect to see anyone he knew!

Here's my mate Michael (Sale Harriers Life Member and Legend) lumbering in with his sore Achilles. Full results are here.

A long session at the tea rooms and an assortment of odd jobs completed the sunny month of May (with just the one walk!). And as I compose this on 1 May, it's cool, overcast and damp outside.

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