Saturday 1 October 2022

Saturday 1 October 2022 - Aviemore parkrun #201

Sue and I are staying in Newtonmore for three nights - the TGO Challenge autumn reunion - and having to go to Inverness to collect my bib for tomorrow's Loch Ness Marathon, we couldn't resist calling into Aviemore for their 201st parkrun.

Above, we were guided under a railway bridge that a steam train later passed over, and sixty participants congregated at the start.

I was practicing a pacing strategy for the marathon and soon found nearly everyone else had disappeared ahead into the woods. 

I met Neil, then Sue, flying along on the return leg.

Meanwhile, Sue O was slowly freezing to death in the middle of the woods. There didn't seem to be a risk of going the wrong way there*, so I was a bit puzzled as to the need for a marshall. The dogs looked puzzled.

* Sue assures me that people do take a wrong turn here if there's no marshall on duty...

A rainbow appeared as I reached the 2.5km turnaround point. A sign of things to come on what at that time was a lovely sunny morning.

The turnaround marshall and I admired the view.

The Tail Walker stopped for a cheery chat as I ambled past in the other direction. 

This parkrun offers good views to the Cairngorm summits. The view towards those became blurred as the rain started. My pacing practice was binned as I now ran to the finish, and a trusty waterproof that I'd stashed in anticipation. 

Then the usual coffee shop was full, so we went to a better shop, with a better view and excellent cake.


  1. I bet Isabella is missing you.

  2. We only generally have her for one day a week, and she has attentive parents and two other sets of grandparents, so whilst she's always pleased to see us I don't think she gets desperate to do so.
