Sunday 2 October 2022

Sunday 2 October 2022 - The Loch Ness Marathon - Finished

An interesting experience - my report will follow, probably on Monday as we'll spend most of tomorrow driving home after a lavish breakfast.

I finished, with no injuries or foot discomfort, other than having to change my socks, in 5:47:09. If I'd gone for the whole way at my finishing speed I'd have been over 2 hours quicker. Dream on!


  1. Well done, impressive. Your colour coordination is also impressive.

    1. I approve of the colour scheme chosen. Anyone looking out for Martin on the course wouldn't have doubted that they'd spotted him. (Said from the experience of supporting Mick in Seville when half the field seemed to have chosen to run in black shorts and a bright orange t-shirt.)

  2. Fantastic acheivement Martin. Well done.

  3. Thanks Alan, I'm just composing a fuller report.

  4. Correct, Gayle. Parkrunners can use me as a target, and on this occasion Sue could see me from across the river, so she knew I was on my way.
