Friday 21 April 2023

Friday = Isabella Day (46)

While grandad took Markus to Hebden Bridge, Sue and Isabella enjoyed a selfie at Jump Heaven.

There was lots of jumping.

And other activities.

All a bit exhausting.

After lunch, grandad found an old (probably 70 at least) Hornby clockwork train set. It ran passably on the wooden Brio tracks.

It amazing how much excitement a small clockwork engine can generate.

Then it was back to the Brio, and some of Sue's photos that seem to be cataloguing various 'bits'.

"Well then. What next."

How about a book? Yes that had the desired effect.... "Again."

Time for home, and Isabella puts on her cheeky monkey face, demanding that she sits on the back seat and Sue sits in the child seat. She knows it'll never happen, but it's a good tease!

Well behaved as usual, she's a pleasure to be with.

1 comment:

  1. When I was a lad, all the boys wanted to be a train driver, looks like Isabella is heading that way? Nowadays they want to be footballers or "celebrities."
