Sunday 23 April 2023

Sunday 23 April 2023 - Craiganour Lodge (1)

After a good parkrun on Saturday (results here), we drove up to Humbie, near Edinburgh, and spent a happy evening with Paul and Julie. 

This morning we pootled up to Dundee and visited the V&A's Tartan exhibition. 

Then it was on to the A9, past Pitlochry to Kinloch Rannoch and just a bit further on, Craiganour Lodge.

Then a visit to our local sculpture - Skyspace.

A week of luxury perhaps...

Later - More pictures from today:

The V&A in Dundee

They have chosen to display a Hillman Imp, rather than the ground breaking Mini. One of my first bosses had an older one of these. He kept it after upgrading to a Chrysler, and allowed his Thornton Baker staff to use it for getting to audits that weren't on an easy bus route. I didn't use it as it often broke down, and I had a more reliable Mini.

This was all part of the Tartan Exhibition. I love the track suit, 
but I'm not sure that I want to be a 'Real Scotsman'!

It was an easy drive to Craiganour, from where we enjoyed a good view up Loch Rannoch.

A 2km woodland walk took us to the Skyspace sculpture pictured above.

Sue was enjoying using her 'Seek' app, which identified the object above as a 'Hoof Fungus'.

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