Thursday 27 June 2024

Thursday 27 June 2024 - The Setsas Line

A 40 minute bus ride got us to Passo Valparola for about 9:45, for what turned out to be an excellent 7 hour outing based on Collett's 'Setsas Line' walk (M6).

Various folk, including the four sisters who are also with Collett's, set off ahead of us. Sue posed (above), and the sisters made their way down a short section of wires that made for safe handholds.

The route took us behind the Setsas mountain on an excellent path, with views to Col di Lana and its WW1 trenches.

After 3.5km we reached Bivio Sief, a small hut full of picnic tables for wet days.

The onward route to the Pralongia plateau was a lovely contouring path with a smidging of boulder fields.

We reached the cross at the high point of the plateau, where I took the following photo to compare with Sunday's picture from the same spot.

As on Sunday, we enjoyed part two of our lunch on a bench below the teeny chapel that sits above the Pralongia rifugio. Alpine summits towered in the distance above the profile of the hut.

Rather than repeat Sunday's descent to Corvara, we headed along the crest of the plateau, with superb panoramic views, nearly all the way to Piz La Ila, before which we took path number 2 to descend to Corvara, switching to path 2A when path 2 headed north.

The descent on path 2A was in woodland.

So we made it back to base in 16km, with around 550 metres ascent, taking about 7 hours.

As usual, we spotted many flower varieties, some of which are shown below.

Spring Gentian

Matted Globularia

Moss Campion

Yellow Alpine Pasque Flower

Round-leaved Saxifrage

Black Vanilla Orchid

Dandelion seed heads

Bearded Bellflower

Round-headed Orchid

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