Wednesday 26 June 2024

Wednesday 26 June 2024 - The Pisciadu Cascades and the Edelweiss Terrace

The weather forecast wasn't brilliant so we scrapped plans to climb Col Di Lana and decided on a low level walk from Corvara instead. At 9:30 we set off on the good track towards Colfosco, passing the campsite on which we have stayed in the past shortly before the point at which the next picture was taken.

We noticed some ad hoc artwork on a gondola stanchion. 

The Pisciadu Cascades were flowing freely, so freely that the last bit of the path was inaccessible due to the torrent.

We admired what we could see and adjourned for elevenses before taking path 650 back towards a place called Ron, from which we gained a view of most of the waterfall.

We had tried to ascend to Passo Gardena via path 650 in an upward direction, but the path was closed for repairs.

So we continued to the main road in the vicinity of Ron. This ended the first phase of today's walk - 6km with 300 metres ascent, in 2.5 hours. There were nice views across the fields on the way to Ron, with Sassongher in the background.

We sat at a bus stop, wondering what to do next. A bus came. It was free and we didn't even need to show the free passes that we have from Collett's. It took us just a short way, to Mesoles. From here we hiked 1km up the hill to a gondola in which we enjoyed a 400 metre ascent to Jimmy's Hut. That left us an easy walk (on which Sue is pictured below) down to path 8 and the Edelweiss Terrace walk back to Corvara.

Path 8A descends below the gondolas to path 8.

Corvara soon came into view far below. 

Here, I'm looking back towards the Gardena pass.

Across the valley the Sella Group slowly revealed itself,  topped by Piz Boe and its huge block of solar panels. A crocodile of walkers was making its way along the upper snowfield, and numerous others were making the tricky Alta Via 2 ascent up steep rock and snow.

Further down, folk were lounging on sun beds at Utia Forcelas.

Just below the hut there were fine views to Sassongher, but we couldn't spot anyone on the summit - late snow may have made it inaccessible to walkers.

Continuing uneventfully past the Edelweiss Hut, we paused on a bench in bright sunshine to consume the last of our tea and goodies. Nutcrackers were active in the woods.

Then it was down to Colfosco and on to Corvara in light rain!

This second phase of today's outing covered 10km, with 300 metres ascent, and it took us 3.5 hours to complete.

Here are a few of my pictures of flowers from today - we had many stops to admire them:

Marsh Orchid



Buckler Mustard


Rosy Vanilla Orchid

Bird's-eye Primrose

Kidney Vetch

PS Google seems to have made changes relating to Blogger that makes uploading images different and who knows what other little tricks they've played on those of us who use Blogger. I'm doing my best to overcome them!

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