Tuesday 25 June 2024

Tuesday 25 June 2024 - The Pinnacles

Today we took the #472 bus for a ten minute ride to Cherz, by Passo Campolongo. From there we took a steep track up to Rifugio Bec De Roces, below which a reservoir for snow production has been built.

Along with seven other Collett's clients, we continued on path 640 past a series of cast iron images of bears carrying out a variety of acts.

Soon we reached an area known as The Pinnacles, very similar to those seen yesterday above Jimmy's Hut. 

Beyond The Pinnacles a lovely contouring path led past marmot holes to a small col.

Before heading down past the Vallon cablecars, Sue and I enjoyed a cup of tea and some goodies beside Lago Boe, far below Piz Boe. Snow finches raided the area for any left overs. Choughs circled overhead. We reminisced over via ferrata routes near here that we'd enjoyed in the past. A girl in a skimpy bikini posed by the water's edge but showed no sign of actually getting wet. 

Beyond Vallon's cablecars and rifugio, we headed down to the excellent Crep de Munt refugio, where all nine of us enjoyed beverages - mainly hot chocolate, and the three girls polished off a lavish lunch of beer and posh salads.

An uneventful descent on paths next to ski pistes, in the good company of an Australian couple - George turned out to have been to Manchester University at the same time as I was at UMIST - brought us back to base in Corvara. Tea on the balcony, until it started to rain.

The walk was only around 6km, with 500 metres ascent, but we had lots of 'flower identification' stops and viewpoint pauses, not to mention the long rifugio stop. So not surprising that we took about 5 hours, finishing before the rain, at 3pm.

Some of the flowers are shown below. These pictures taken with my S23 phone seem to be better than those taken with my Lumix TZ90 camera, so that will now be replaced by a power pack for the phone in what I carry for a day walk.

Aconite leaved buttercup

Spring Gentian

? Buttercup

? Daisy

Yellow Wood Violet 

Bear's Ear Primrose 

Moss Campion 

Mountain Avens

So, now plenty of relaxation time in preparation for tonight's five course meal. Discussion with the other Collett's clients indicates that we all seem to be fed rather well, wherever we are staying...

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