Sunday 28 July 2024

Saturday 27 July 2024 - Wythenshawe parkrun #579

Fuelled by Jeanette's magnificent cheesecake, in Paul and Jeanette's garden and greenhouse, together with Mike and Stella, on Friday night, we were ready to go at 9am on Saturday morning in Wythenshawe park. Rufus, as usual, got very excited and had to be removed some distance away from the Run Director, whose loudspeaker struggled to outdo the dog's volume control even from 50 metres away.

Once the starter's gun had fired, the dog dragged Paul past lots of the 295 participants in short order., as far as position 92, just behind Sue. I stayed behind and chatted to Dan for a while before speeding up and finishing in 35 minutes - position 237 out of 295.

Andy and Cary (as well as Paul, Jeanette and Rufus), joined us for a couple of very leisurely coffees afterwards..

None of us 'bust a gut' on the warm morning. Full results are here.

Back at home, any gardening we do at the moment comes to the attention of a young robin, who ventures within a couple of feet looking for either company or titbits. We hope he can evade the local cats.


  1. That blue bench/table looks as though its slats may be far enough apart to allow the average rucksack buckle to pass through without getting stuck. I have had few incidents with less accommodating benches, one involving me missing a train due to wasting 10 minutes on extraction, and another on actually having to cut off the buckle - that was on a bridge and access to the underside was not possible.

  2. Haha, I have to say I've never had that problem with a buckle, and the picnic table in question doesn't often encounter rucksacks - mostly coffee cups that are too big to pass through the slats!
