Tuesday 30 July 2024

Saturday/Sunday - Isabella's First Sleepover

I was a little concerned that come bedtime Isabella might be missing her mum and dad. There was no need for that concern, she had been expertly prepared for her night in a different bed, and before shutting her eyes she announced "I like sleepovers".

After a nice lunch for us all at her house, Isabella came to Timperley. Her first job was to harvest the wild strawberries. And guess whose stomach they all finished up in?

Snakes and ladders and other board games have become a regular occupation.

Dinner of beans, potatoes and fish fingers, followed by apple crumble and ... ice cream?

Many stories later she was fast asleep, with Sue in a bed next to her. 8:30 to 5:30, then the Duplo house came out, together with a farmyard, a zoo with a naughty lion that ate the other animals, and various other toys.

"I think I'll try on grandma's new hat!"

"Perhaps it's a size too big."

A visit to the park was next.

Grandma always seems to be causing a traffic jam at the pedestrian crossing!

Meanwhile, the Community Run set off. We'd hoped that Isabella would take part, but she was too busy scootering.

Eventually she waved me in as I finished the 2km run, and decided that she would like to run around the track.

Then we went to the playground in the park and changed into the rather more appropriate rainbow dress.

Then we went home to Didsbury (via a sleep in the car), where mummy and daddy were pleased to see that the sleepover had been a great success, albeit an early night is probably now in order.


  1. There will be many more to come - be prepared.

  2. We hope so, BC, though it's probably just an occasional pleasure.
