Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Sunday 21 July 2024

Wednesday = Isabella Day (70)

Switching from Friday to Wednesday meant that Grandad Martin had sole custody of Isabella on this week's visit, as Grandma Sue was swimming and paddleboarding in the Lake District.

We had a lovely day, starting with a biscuit factory in our kitchen. The three year old has become an expert mixer of ingredients, (even whilst finishing her mid morning snack!) and I no longer need to be poised with a brush to remove spilt debris!

In fact, every last drop from the bowl went into the biscuits (if not the little girl's digestive system).

Cooking is in batches - ten minutes each. The first batch must be tested immediately!

It passed the test. The rest can be left to cool.

A magic box then turned Thomas into a teapot, and produced about 30 previously unseen Matchbox toys from an earlier generation. There was lots of playing, music, a hearty lunch of beans and fish fingers, Paw Patrol, Jenga, jigsaws, a search for valuables and lego roads in the loft, and an attempt at scooting in Wythenshawe Park, before it was time to go home. Only one picture was taken.


bowlandclimber said...

Aren't you glad you kept those matchbox toys.

Phreerunner said...

Yes BC, they are worth much more in 'play value' than in monetary value. They are probably her dad's toys anyway. I recall being disappointed as an adult to discover that my parents had sold all my old dinky toys, but I suppose you can have too much of a good thing.
I wish I could find the Lego roads that are lingering somewhere...