Tuesday 26 November 2019

Andalucia 2019 - A few more photos from Spain

Here are a few more photos from our recent holiday in Canillas da Albaida, given that I was only able to post three at a time when we were there.
The above picture shows our daily breakfast routine at Posada La Plaza, featuring 'fry eggs Gustavo', our genial host. 
Click on any of the daily titles, as below, to reach the posting I made on the day. Also, click on any picture for access to a slideshow of all 54 images.

Sunday 3 November 2019 - Cuevas de Agua, and some wine tasting

We arrived from Manchester, via Malaga, in light rain. Tom joined us for a stroll to Competa and back - 2.5 km each way.
Competa - the main square
Canillas, from the Competa road

Sunday 3 November 2019 - Cuevas de Agua, and some wine tasting

Breakfast outside Posada La Plaza
Resting at a fire break
Grape press at the Bodega

Monday 4 November 2019 - The Silk Route

Sunrise from our room in the Villa
Ascending to the Silk Route
On the Silk Route
Lunch at Antigua Venta de los Pradillos
Another ruin - Cortijo Maria Dolores - where we joined the Silk Route
Ermita de Santa Ana, the church that overlooks Canillas

Tuesday 5 November 2019 - A Circuit via Salares

Our walks took us into the Parque Natural areas near Canillas
Looking down to Salares
The Roman Bridge at Salares
Grape press at Salares
Theo really appreciated our custom for his 'tapas of the day'

Wednesday 6 November 2019 - Nerja

Stunning formations in the vast underground caverns
Nerja - above and below
Sunset over Canillas

Thursday 7 November 2019 - Cerro Verde

These pictures show the ascent of Cerro Verde.
Soon after leaving the summit, we succumbed to a short interlude of rain.

Friday 8 November 2019 - Acebuchal

Every time we drove past Competa, we admired this view of the town from above the crash barrier
Narrow, scratchy paths were a feature of the week
Lovely paths led to a minor summit and a col
We saw several ibex during the course of the week - shyer than their Alpine relatives
Acebuchal - a hamlet ravaged by Franco and rebuilt with loving care
Then it was back to the Villa for a swim - for some.
And admiration of the Canillas sunset before our final group meal.

That was a lovely week with a great bunch of people. We have lots more photos that hopefully will be collated in a photo book, including a few pictures from Granada, where Sue and I headed to next. I'll add a few more images from that part of our trip later, but this is enough for today.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic. We love that part of Spain.. we know some of your routes quite well and wish we would have joined you. But, you know the story.
