Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Friday 14 June 2024

Wednesday = Isabella Day (68)

Friday was rearranged to Wednesday, when Sue was booked in to a spa for the day. So it fell to Grandad to look after Isabella for the day, and we had a lovely time, starting with a visit to the Little World for Scholars in Altrincham.

"First we need to go and put the fire out"

"Ok, the fire's out, and we need to go shopping. I'll use the Mercedes"

"I'll just phone mummy to see what we need"

"Good, that's chocolate, milk, and lots of eggs"

Back at home, Isabella knuckled down and made some chocolate chip biscuits.

"Every last grain needs to be got out of this bowl"

Beans and chicken for lunch.

And biscuits!

That went well...

After lunch, a bit of train play, some Thomas the Tank stories, and a snooze on the way home.

Another lovely day with a well behaved Rainbow Girl.

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