Tuesday 15 November 2022

12 and 13 November 2022 - More Running in Wythenshawe Park

271 participants turned up for run number 499. There will be more next week! Still, Sue S had a considerable gathering of folk for her 'First Timers' briefing.

Eventually, everyone made their way to Alan'sbriefing before the 9am start.

... and off they went...

I walked round with Andrew and Margaret, finishing in 49 minutes - position 266 out of 271. Sue was much quicker - she lapped me. Full results are here.

Afterwards, over coffee and smuggled cake, sorting the finish tokens for next week is a surprisingly therapeutic exercise.

Sunday morning found me at the Altrincham Road exit from the park.

I was able to direct the runners whilst listening to the English cricketers beat Pakistan in the T20 final in Melbourne.

Next time around (second lap) the chap in the front shown above was well ahead of everyone else. It was a lovely morning for the Community Runners. The buzzard that I've seen over the past couple of weeks wasn't in evidence this morning. Perhaps the crows have seen it off.

November 2004 - The Annapurna Circuit - Day 24


Wednesday 24 November
Kathmandu to Manchester

[Diarist: Sue]
After a leisurely 8 am breakfast (Andrew had already watched 'Shakespeare in Love' on his room's satellite TV!) a taxi driver was co-opted to take us to the south side of Kathmandu, to the 'Tibetan Refugee Camp. The mission was carpet buying for Andrew. On the ground floor, women sat on the floor cross-legged, deftly threading wool on tall looms, their fingers pulling forward the vertical strands and shooting the wooden shuttles across. 

Narrow carpets - one woman; medium carpets - two women; and wide carpets - four women. They occasionally glance at the pattern hanging in front of them. 

Upstairs were piles of carpets divided into 60 knot, 80 knot, or 100 knot, the latter being the highest quality. Patterns and colours were diverse. It takes 45 days to make a large carpet, with four women working. The prices seemed appropriate for this much labour, at around US$250 for a medium-sized one. 

After this [there's no comment in the diary as to whether Andrew bought a carpet - Ed], a visit to a shopping area in Patan, where we bought a picture with gold leaf [where is it now?], probably paying over the odds. Next stop was Patan's Durbar Square. This was lovely, with its mix of temples of different heights and styles, smells of incense, inner courtyards, and ornate wood carving. It was impressively clean.

This final batch of pictures from this trip were taken in Patan and Durbar Squares, and on the way back to the hotel.

Back at the Radisson around 12 noon, we had 3 hours to kill before moving to the airport. The Bluebird supermarket provided some snacks, and we ate some of these sitting up on the 5th floor outside by the pool. It was pleasantly warm now, the air having been cleared by yesterday's rain. Also had a coffee and perused Andrew's copy of Andrew Stephenson's picture book 'Around the Annapurnas'. [A Nepalese Journey - On Foot Around the Annapurnas - a lovely book.]

These last three images were taken near our hotel.

Eventually, Shirish and Mahesh arrived to see us off, and cream coloured scarves were placed around our necks as last goodbyes were made. 

The following 24 hours were spent either waiting or flying. Yahtzee was introduced to Andrew and occupied the time before our 7:25 pm flight left Kathmandu. The flight to Doha was just under 5 hours. The next 4 hours were spent in the airport, where the hard floor made an adequate bed. 

Whilst I slept for a good chunk of the 7 hour flight to London, Martin watched films etc. Then only 2 hours at Heathrow before the 40 minute flight to Manchester. A shock for Andrew when his bags failed to materialise, but then relief that he doesn't have to carry them to the station! 

Our short taxi journey returns us to Balmoral Drive at 10:30 am on a dry but dull autumn morning. 

Note re costs: We kept a full record. The three and a half week trip cost Sue and me each around £2500.

Previous Day

Sunday 13 November 2022

Friday = Isabella Day (29)

This week's 'Isabella Day' pictures actually start with a wet walk along the towpath last Sunday. Sadly, the miniature railway at Walton Park had packed up for the day, much to Isabella's disappointment, but the 'Walton Perk' barge was happily selling steaming cups of Sicilian latte.

Izzie did get her wish of a ride on the tram - and she watched the barges for a while from Marsland Bridge before crossing to Brooklands Station for the ride home.

Sunday dinner was in the dining room - the first time that we have risked a separate chair and proper plates and cutlery for the two year old.

"More please!"

To Friday... sunflower seeds for the ducks and geese...

A whizz on the roundabout.

Lunch needed tending to, so I returned along the towpath whilst Sue and Izzie took the tram from Brooklands, via Navigation Road.

Two Bridgewater Canal workboats were busy tending to this section of canal today...

...and lunch was rescued from the oven.

Apple crumble seems to have superseded banana and yogurt as Isabella's favourite dessert.

Before we left for Wythenshawe Park, mealworms for our blackbirds etc had to be distributed.

A ride on a bus...

...was followed by a visit to the farm at Wythenshawe.

Then the playground provided some interesting apparatus for Isabella and Bear to explore.

After that we went home.

[Apologies for the lack of 'walking, etc' entries just now. They will return.]