Date: Tuesday 21 May 2019
Route: Clova Hotel to camping ground at Tarfside (NO 493 796)
Distance: 22 km (Cum: 259)
Ascent: 1000 metres (Cum: 9100)
Time taken: 7.25 hrs including 50 mins breaks
Weather: mainly sunny and warm, apart from a light shower at lunchtime. Rain after we pitched the tent
Last night we were treated to stories of the success of an evening at Lochcallater Lodge, where Richard had helped by repairing the toilet, and many others had contributed to the party.
We learned that nearly thirty people have dropped out, one of them having had to be airlifted to hospital with pneumonia.
Captain Jayme and his team, denied accommodation at Clova as the hotel was full, joined the residents for a while before heading down the road to their discreet camping spot that involved climbing three fences.
After a good sleep whilst it poured with rain outside, as evidenced by the increasing sound from the nearby torrent, we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast that included scrambled eggs and smoked salmon. There were at least twenty Challengers at breakfast.
We dribbled off in small groups, some walking alone, mostly heading for Loch Brandy and Green Hill above the loch. After a brief encounter with Vicky, Sue and I chose to deviate from the 'normal' route chosen by others. We headed up the steep but well constructed path to The Snub, before contouring around to Green Hill, where we met Richard and Rosie.
We walked with them over Muckle Cairn, above which an eagle circled menacingly, and on to Wester Skulley, from where they took the descent path to Inchgrundle. The views throughout were excellent; we could look back to yesterday's route and could also see Lochnagar and its neighbours to the north west. At our feet, the cloudberry was just coming into flower.
Our own route took us over Burat Hill and Cairn Caidloch, after a pleasantly warm lunch spot out of what little wind there was today. A very light shower interrupted what will probably be our last al fresco lunch of the trip. Never mind, we've been very lucky with the weather. As we were today, needing sun tan cream and stripping to t-shirts for the afternoon's walk in the sunshine. Who ever would imagine that we could nearly run out of sun tan cream on the TGO Challenge!
Andrew Walker joined us briefly just before we reached a track on Burat Hill. He turned his nose up at actually visiting the summit and shot off to rejoin his long lost and much missed companions, Alan and Phil.
Meanwhile, we ambled down, pausing every now and then to admire the views and listen to the birdsong. The lapwings and skylarks were particularly melodic.
At Gleneffock we passed a farmer sorting his sheep, some of which had just given birth. Then it was over a bridge that dates from 1874, and onto a track that leads from near Haugh to join the descent route from Mount Keen behind the Hill of Rowan.
A trail of Challengers was making its way down this path to Tarfside, where the TGO Challenge team of volunteers at St Drostans was overwhelmed by visitors for a period. I've never seen so many rucksacks outside St Drostans. We arrived at 4.30 pm. Tea and cake was duly consumed and we were booked in to the fourth sitting for dinner at 8.15. I don't know how many sittings there will be, but it'll be unrelenting hard work for the team of volunteers that includes Ann and Alvar, Roger and Patricia, and Graeme and Marion. The latter had sped across Scotland to complete the Challenge before coming here to help.
That's it for now, it's nearly 7 pm and the Masons bar should be open. If anything else of note happens today I'll report on it tomorrow.
Today's pictures:
An encounter with Vicky
An encounter with Richard and Rosie
An encounter with Andrew
Tea and cake at St Drostans
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