Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Friday, 7 February 2025

Friday 7 February 2025 - Callander Craig and Bracklinn Falls

Sue and I drove to Callander for a short, sunny walk above the town.

The river is full, and the church sports a fine spire.

We walked through the town to Bracklinn Road, from where we turned off up a good track, heading for some crags.

Our path soon left the main drag in favour of rising steeply through mixed woodland,  eventually reaching some stone steps that led to the summit ridge.

The 343 metre summit of Callander Craig is marked by a splendid memorial to Queen Victoria, on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee.

There are wide ranging views from the summit. 

Elevenses were taken on the way down to a narrow road above a car park for the falls.

The Red Well was signposted, so we went for a look. It was orange, and didn't look particularly enticing.

At the car park we turned towards Bracklinn Falls, passing on the way a pair of birds that may have been crossbills. I have a new phone that seems to perform well as regards distant objects like these birds.

The bridge at the falls is the latest in a succession of such artifacts here.

The falls are moderately impressive. 

We made use of a nearby lunch bench, then found a nice path back to Callander, passing a fairy town on the way.

Snowdrops were just coming into flower.

Here's our approximate route - a thin blue line today. We covered about 8km, with 290 metres ascent, in around 3 hours. 

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Thursday 6 February 2025 - Ben Venue

Here's today's destination, Ben Venue (729 metres), pictured above the early morning mist over Loch Achray. 

The path 'To the Hill' started just down the road from Tigh Mor. Ten out of the eleven of us on this trip set out on the walk.

Soon our path left the road and went over a humpy bridge with good views to some waterfalls in converging rivers.

The sun was shining as we progressed up the hill on a good path to a convenient point for an elevenses break.

There were more fine views as we continued up the path to a large cairn on which Richard inexplicably started to strip off!

Unfortunately the cloud came down as we headed off to the trig point. 

The trig point is not the summit - that is some 400 metres away along the rocky crest. Somehow we managed to stay together in the mist. Here's Sue, appreciating the view from the summit.

A passer by with a nice dog took the next picture whilst I was slip/sliding writhing on some nearby slippery rocks.

Then we headed back down to the col with the massive cairn for a much needed lunch break.

After that.... back the way we came, for a much needed pot of tea at Tigh Mor. 

Today's outing, shown below, was about 15km, with 750 metres ascent, taking rather more than 6 hours.

We took it easy. It's a great walk, with some entertainment in the snow above the big cairn, and also in the bog below the big cairn. I'm happy to report that everyone got back safely, and well in time for tea and cake, sauna and steam room, and (hopefully) dinner at the nearby Lade Inn.

Thanks go to Jenny for some of the pictures. 

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Wednesday 5 February 2025 - Stob Breac

Sue and Roger went up Beinn Tulaichean (946 metres). It's in the area above that Jenny, Phil, Richard and I were looking across to from our path up a lesser hill, Stob Breac (688 metres).

The forestry track on which we rose from 120 metres to over 400 metres offered frequent glimpses of the mountains in the area between Crianlarich and Callander. 

We missed the guide book's recommended fire break and finished up tackling a steeper version.

Once we were above the treeline the steep slope didn't relent, but the views opened out.

We slogged our way up to the 688 metres summit.

Then we headed back down.

I managed to glissade down some of the steeper sections, leaving me in the unusual position of being ahead of the others.

Lunch was taken at the edge of the forest.

The firebreak that led back to the forestry track was the guidebook route. It includes a tricky traverse past the waterfall shown below in the distance.

After surprising a few red deer, we were thankful to rejoin the forestry track for the last bit of the descent to the car park.

Here's our route - 11km with 650 metres ascent, taking about 5 hours

Another excellent day in the mountains, albeit not a very high one today.