Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Saturday 18 March 2023

Saturday 18 March 2023 - St Mary's parkrun (Bridport) and a walk from Long Bredy

Bridport parkrun. Sue did well; I strained a calf muscle.

Then an eleven km stroll from Long Bredy. 

Lunch on the South Dorset Ridgeway path.

Sea fret nearly obscured the view of the sea over Abbotsbury.

Then we returned to Long Bredy via the Macmillan Way.

We soon passed a stone circle in a field crowded with docile cows.

Our route is shown below by way of a faint blue line.

Technical issues - I keep losing the entire posting when the text becomes centred and the pictures are replaced by 'obj' icons.

Friday 17 March 2023

Friday 17 March 2023 - Montacute House and Middle Farm, Long Bredy

After an evening in Solihull, Sue and I pottered down the M5 to Montacute House, dating from 1601. We admired its impressive long gallery on the second floor. There was also a rare Exeter bed. I’ll add more to this posting next week when back at home. The early glass windows are also a feature, as well as numerous paintings.

Then we zoomed on to Long Bredy and our home for the next week at Middle Farm. It's an excellent spot.

Thursday 16 March 2023

TGO Challenge 2023

The TGO Challenge has seen many entries on these pages. Just look at the numerous labels on the right hand side. This year's event is fairly imminent - it starts from 11 May - and almost 300 different routes have been scrutinised and commented upon by the 20 or so vetters, of whom I am one.

The image above shows a few of the routes that I've vetted. None stray very far north of Montrose, and although timings may vary due to people starting on different days, places like Aviemore, Braemar and Tarfside look as if they will be pretty busy.

I'm hoping to be fit enough to take part, and Sue will be nearby and enjoying a Munro bagging holiday - and helping on Control if needed. My route* from Torridon to Newtonhill is very much the northern line of those shown.

This posting is to celebrate the end of the vetting process, which lasts from November to March, after which Sue and I can disappear off to the south coast for a week. Hopefully my new phone will cope with a few mobile blogging entries.

* withdrawn shortly before the event, due to knee problems.

Wythenshawe parkruns - 28 January to 11 March 2023

Click on any image to access a slideshow

This is a 'catch up' compendium of our parkrunning at Wythenshawe since late January. Most pictures are taken at the start, for obvious reasons, and there are one or two from the Community Run on Sunday mornings.

28 January

After a few weeks of rainy parkruns, today's fine weather was welcomed, albeit no sunshine. 

Graham and I were Owen's minders today, near the tail of the field.

The tearoom was pretty cold outside, to where we are banished due to the presnce of a dog, Rufus, who would simply go to sleep under a table if allowed inside. The present management have lost lots of business from parkrunners due to their officious rules and slow service.

The full results are here.

29 January

On another cold morning, I used three layers to keep me warm on the 5km Wythenshawe Community Run, taking a shade over 30 minutes.

4 February

We flocked to the start, and it appears from the picture taken at the finish that I got there ahead of Sue, which is very unusual these days.

Full results are here.

Michael turned up with Isabella, who enjoyed watching the runners before going to play in the well equipped playground.

11 February

Tristan was today's Run Director, with 241 participants - we are getting between 200 and 300 participants each week these days.

Paul was marshalling at Middle Bridge. Cold weather again, but no rain.

This used to be called 'Muddy Passage'. You'd never guess!

A motley crew of stalwarts posed after the finish. Full results are here.

?, Victoria, John B, Jackie, Sue, Martin, Andy, Frank, ?

18 February

Mike and Isabella came along again to cheer on the runners, with Andy wearing the Run Director vest today.

Full results are here.

25 February

Isabella is becoming a regular supporter. One day she'll take a break from playing in the leaves and run with the rest of us.

Readers may be relieved that there are no actual running pictures for this run, on another cold, overcast day. Full results are here.

26 February

Sunny on Sunday for the Community Run, which starts and finishes with a lap of the track - much enjoyed by both the 2km and the 5km participants.

11 March

More sunshine, with Alan donning the Run Director's vest and keeping the 240 runners in order at the start.

Jonathan lined up after the run with Mark, whose 400th parkrun it was today (thanks for the cake, Mark), and Sue, who went well in 25:07, coming first in her age group. (Perhaps the fast people were resting in preparation for their Saturday afternoon cross country race.)

Full results are here.

The Courtyard Tea Room wasn't needed today, as it was warm enough to sit outside the much friendlier kiosk outside the farm. Better coffee too.

Sue, Jeanette, Paul, Laura and Rufus

We missed Isabella today, as she was feeling a bit off colour. (She's better now.)

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Spring in De Quincey Park, and by the Bridgewater Canal

2 March 2023

Morning walks take me through this little park, where this particular spot has attracted my camera shutter a few times recently.

9 March 2023

14 March 2023

My walk also follows the nearby canal towpath, as does Sue's cycle ride to work. Here's a pleasing image taken, I think, on one of those rides.