I noticed the publication of this book last year, and was reminded of it through a couple of BC's recent postings - here and here. (And probably more by the time this posting is published.)
Anyway, BC's efforts triggered the purchase of the book. It's in the same format as the '
Snowdonia' books that we've so much enjoyed using during our recent visits to Porthmadog. And .gpx files for all the routes were downloaded to my Anquet mapping software in about five minutes, so they are now all on my phone.
This coincides with my demands from Jen regarding her Cheshire walks books having been met, and me visiting Lancashire a lot at present as I am part of my daughter's extensive support team whilst she spends a few months getting rid of a nasty lump on a tonsil by way of chemoradiotherapy. She lives in Bacup and needs 30 visits to Preston hospital over a six week period - we are currently in week 2. This means I've abandoned my regular walks programme for the first time since 1972, but I'm looking forward to doing some of these Lancashire walks at short notice when I get a chance, and Kate may even be fit enough to join me at some point during her recuperation, before she returns to work. For the moment, journeys to Preston, cooking, housework, dog walking and childcare, jobs shared with a number of others - Kate has lots of good friends and neighbours, take priority, but we are able to continue to enjoy the pleasure of looking after granddaughter Isabella on Fridays.
Meanwhile, I've been busy digitising a diary from 2004 that will soon be published here....