Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Thursday 18 July 2024

Monday 15 July 2024 - A Visit to RHS Bridgewater gardens

Sue and I chose to cycle along the Bridgewater Canal towpath, to RHS Bridgewater and back, just four weeks since our last visit.

It was a lovely day to be by the canal, and on the outward journey we were joined by another cyclist who just wanted a bit of company and some route guidance.

On the return leg we encountered a runner near the Trafford Centre. He was going like the clappers, so I stayed behind and offered encouragement. He was traveling at about 11 mph, which is a nice cycling pace for me. He turned round in Stretford and offered thanks for the encouragement (I had wondered whether I was upsetting him).

Here are a few canal photos taken around Worsley. The colours reflect the mining history of this canal.

The gardens have changed significantly in the past month. The following pictures represent its July colours.

There's probably little change in the cactus beds since our last visit

Here, a lot of similar plants, in a bid to establish which variety is best;
the blank area on the right is awaiting similar treatment

Back home for lunch - it's an hour/ten miles each way.

Later, a jazz hotpot supper and entertainment from Rae Owens and his Chicago Teds. Excellent.

We left with a bottle of Bollinger, one of over 30 raffle prizes.

Saturday 13 July 2024 - Wythenshawe parkrun #577

Milling around before the start

After a month's break from running, a gentle jog at the back of the field seemed appropriate.

Geared up for 300 finishers

The dinosaur has become a regular sight on the start line

And they're off...

Afterwards, Winston Runners enjoyed a 'love-in'!

Then coffees with Jan and Robin, and Jenny and Owen (thanks, Jenny). It's good to be back, after a great holiday.

The following day I did the Wythenshawe Community Run and finished with the tail walker in over 37 minutes. A Covid test a few days later explained the slow time.

Full results are here.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Friday 12 July 2024 - Around Lower Withington

After dropping Isabella off at home, Sue and I grabbed a bite to eat and then headed to Lower Withington to join Andrew and Bridget on a short evening walk planned by Andrew.

A bit of drizzle didn't deter us, and we were soon enjoying the good paths resulting from funding by way of grants to a local farmer. He is further rewarded by being paid to convert crop fields to wildlife meadows. It's good to see these, albeit they don't match the variety of flora encountered in the alpine meadows from where we have recently returned.

This is the spot where on one occasion a goat ate my map. Today they were sensibly under cover from the drizzle.

Chicory graced the hedgerows.

For once, the cows ignored us. Often at this time of day they offer a frisky approach.

Here's the team, enjoying  the countryside of 'Deepest Cheshire'.

And here's our 5 km route. It's short, flat, and has no stiles - all requirements for Andrew these days, but we aren't complaining.

Then it was back to Andrew's house for chat and drinks. A fine way to spend an evening.

Monday 15 July 2024

Friday = Isabella Day (69)

The first assignment after getting back from holiday was an 'Isabella Day'. Very pleasurable it was too.

Just a few photos were taken, and sadly none from the Franco Manco brunch we had for most of the family the following day. Here's a selection.

This old farmyard toy was found in a box

As was this puzzle

Puzzle completed, that's all for now.