Sue and I were joined by Al and Hazel for this pleasant stroll on which I first reported on 28 December 2018. This is Jen Darling's 'Best Pub Walks in Cheshire' version. There's a different version in Jen's 'West Cheshire and Wirral' book, and I've reported on this and other routes in the past - search 'Appleton' on the blog to view the entries, which include quite a few historical observations and references.
Anyway, we set off in dull weather that deteriorated when a shower of rain reached us, so very few photos were taken. Above, before the rain, the other three got ahead of me in the Dingle. It will become more colourful when spring arrives.
Soon after that, on reaching Green Lane and turning right, we continued across the bridleway to find that the path described in detail in Jen's book was closed due to a new housing development. Whilst I would hope that the path will eventually be reinstated, a new route was now needed. So those with Jen's 'Best Pub Walks' 3rd edition should go to page 25 and replace the wording from 'Cross the bridleway...reach Cann Lane' with the following:
'Turn right along the bridleway and continue a short distance to a small 'Welcome' to our woods sign on the left. Follow this narrow but clear woodland path until it reaches Cann Lane.' It's a very pleasant path.
Not referred to in Jen's guide (she refers to it elsewhere) is the double-faced sculpture of Roman god Janus, which we visited before crossing the main road and taking the lane to Hillside Farm.
Lunch was taken by 'Bellfields', where the house behind Sue's head was built around 1750 and was modelled on a ship by the owner, Admiral Hoare. There's more, if you click on the links mentioned above. The small sandstone pillar against which Al is resting is reputed to mark the spot where Cromwell's horse was buried after being killed in a nearby skirmish in 1648.
By the time we had slithered past the empty duck houses and reached the impressive lychgate entrance to the Fox Covert cemetery, the rain had passed and we enjoyed views across Warrington to the heights of Winter Hill and the south Pennines.
Then it was downhill through a series of ginnels/'rabbit runs' to return to the start - it's easy to park in Waverley Avenue, round the corner from the London Bridge Inn, if you aren't using the pub.
Here's our route - variations are available - we went about 8.5 km, with 140 metres ascent (basically a flat walk), and it took us about two and a half hours. A nice route, if a little muddy at this time of year, close to home, making it a favourite.