Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Thursday 14 March 2024

Wednesday = Isabella Day (63)

Just a few pictures from a lovely day with Isabella despite her having chicken pox.

A trip to Wythenshawe Park gave her the chance to practice driving her scooter around the extensive road network, with only little boys on balance bikes (and grandparents) to contend with by way of traffic.

There were workmen fixing lighting on the running track, and a new picnic area is being built beside the cycle track.

Daffodils everywhere, but the glass houses wouldn’t open until later, so we went to the playground instead.

Then it was back home for lunch, playing, and cooking some muffins. 
Happy Days…

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Monday 11 March 2024 - The Original Panama Jazz Band

We were treated to a great night of Trad Jazz by the Original Panama Jazz Band,

Jon Critchley (band leader) on trumpet, Brian Singleton on drums, Andrew McKenzie on trombone/vocals, Howard Worthington on bass & vocals, Mike Hayler on Reeds, and Mark Challinor on guitar/banjo. This was tonight’s band, of which only two of the above, Jon and Andrew, are actually members of the OPJB! A very good performance, plus a couple of vocal contributions from another guest, Carol Oldham.

Meanwhile, our eleven year old computer has been deemed uneconomic to repair, hence this mobile posting and no attempt (yet) to tidy up the Kandersteg postings. [Done on 7 May 2024!]