The main purpose of this blog is to keep in touch with friends and family, and maybe entertain others with common interests, particularly in relation to the outdoors. We hope you enjoy it, and your comments are valued....
Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca
Saturday, 13 November 2021
Saturday 13 November 2021 - The Vale of Ffestiniog
Friday, 12 November 2021
Friday 12 November 2021 - Return to South Snowdon Wharf
We are back in Porthmadog for a few days. Above, the familiar view from our deck. Below, the view across Llyn Bach to Moel-y-Gest, topped by cloud this afternoon, as we embarked on our regular 5km stroll.
Despite occasional drizzle, a low sun appeared through the trees.
Thursday, 11 November 2021
Tales from the Trans Pennine Trail
Why don't I like cycling on roads? This picture provides one of the reasons. Not everyone cares where they park, and many drivers have little time, or space, for cyclists. But even cycle routes like the Trans Pennine Trail find an occasional need to utilise tarmac, in this case to get past Altrincham. Luckily the van that was parked here earlier had gone before the arrival of the car.
The ditch that borders Dairyhouse Lane, shown in the picture below, taken from a few metres on from the previous picture, has recently been dredged. Perhaps the driver who parked his or her car in it was on a mission to block the drains? Or is there a bicycle trapped somewhere in the foliage?
This was another cloudy day with mizzle in the air. The autumn colours would be great in sunshine, but I fear the leaves will have dropped by the time we get any of that particular commodity.
Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Tuesday 9 November 2021 - A 'Virtual' 10K
Sue took part in the Knutsford 10km race on 17 October (report here) but I had to miss out due to Plantar Fasciitis. Having paid the fee, and being too late for a refund, I switched to doing a 'virtual' 10km within a month of the race. My foot isn't fully repaired yet, but I was able to walk/slow jog a route in the Bollin Valley, to enable me to submit a time - 1:28:34 (runners will appreciate that I wasn't really 'running') - and thereby complete the race. Hopefully the Garmin download and the picture at the foot of this posting will provide the necessary evidence.
Monday, 8 November 2021
Monday 8 November 2021 - A Pennington Flash Circuit
A Monday morning bike ride with Paul and Jeanette. This was a repeat of the 70km route I cycled with Cary on 19 July this year. Other visits are described thus (click on the text):
Just a few photos today - Paul is pictured above at Water's Meet, after only about half an hour.
The sun arrived for the next two pictures, taken from the same spot, on the Bridgewater Canal towpath between Worsley and Leigh.
Coffee breaks at Pennington Flash and in a cafe in Stockton Heath broke the journey. The 70km ride took us a shade over 5 hours, including an hour's worth of breaks.
Sunday, 7 November 2021
Saturday 6 November 2021 - Wythenshawe parkrun number 447
Jacob joined us for his fifth 5km parkrun. Wythenshawe was the venue. Sue was his 'responsible adult'.
We assembled in the field, with Andy giving the briefing, supported by Richard - number one volunteer today.
I'm still dealing with Plantar Fasciitis, so my plan was to walk around the course. I was joined by Bryn, happily in action again after collapsing and hurting himself a few weeks ago. We jogged a bit and finished in about 40 minutes, some 7 minutes behind Jacob and Sue. We paused as we passed Jenny and Ruby, who were returning to base after marshalling at the Far Bridge.