Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Monday, 24 March 2025

Saturday 22 March 2025 - Stamford Park parkrun #426

This was the occasion of our friend (through the TGO Challenge) Alistair's 100th different parkrun. Quite an achievement, for which his daughters even managed to rouse themselves and take part. They have also taken part in a good number of different parkruns.

This parkrun in Stalybridge is not as well attended as those in South Manchester, with just 177 staerters today. More than usual, thanks in part to Alistair's entourage. So being baulked by other slower runners was no excuse for a slow time. But what we hadn't expected was a Hill. Long and gentle. Twice. And the second time I confess to having walked up the 12 steps and beyond.

Here we are at the start.

I was too puffed to take any pictures on the run, but I've borrowed this next picture, taken just beyond the crest of the hill. It demonstrates the terrain of this very pleasant course. It'll soon turn green.

Alistair had provided cake, and finishing in position 89, there was plenty left when I arrived.

Unusually these days, Sue finished behind me. She is nursing a niggle picked up from cross country skiing.

After waiting for Alistair's girls, we wandered along to the excellent cafe for a sociable hour or so, before heading off home in a very satisfied mood.

Full results are here. The fact that I got into the top twenty on an 'age related' basis with only 62% certainly indicates a slow (hilly) course.

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