She's a big tease, sitting in Sue's seat before being gently persuaded to move to the seat that she knows she has to occupy before we set off. It's an entertaining ritual.
We've been lent a chair by Sue's nephew, so Isabella now has a good work station in our kitchen.
On the rather hot day, Isabella was happy to be pushed around for a while. She usually rejects use of the push chair.
There's a slippery little waterway in the gardens.
It empties into a pond. Some persuasion was needed to discourage Isabella from going for a swim!
The water was cool, and the fountain was fun.
Then we enjoyed a picnic lunch in the play area.
She was fascinated by the fairies' houses and had to be persuaded that the fairies only come out at night, as they sleep during the daytime.
Then it was back for a long session on the swings, before returning home after an hour's nap in the car.
The Brio railway track, lent to us by various donors, has seen a great deal of use over recent months. It keeps Isabella entertained for ages.
Today she had a new toy, a rainbow jigsaw. She needed help putting it together, and once complete it was used to identify the numbers and identities of a variety of objects. She's just about old enough to enjoy this excellent toy.
Then we went home, and her wish to go for a drive in mummy's car was defeated by the length of her legs!
Meanwhile, Jessica was getting ready for a weekend of dancing. She came away with a trophy from the competition. Well done Jess!
An excellent day obviously - and a grest weekend for Jess too!!
Yes, thanks for giving up your day with Isabella.
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