Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Some weekend running,etc

Sunshine! At 9 am on Saturday morning. That was most welcome, but the Wythenshawe parkrun course was as muddy as ever. My photos were all taken at the start.

Paul has to hold back with Rufus, who doesn't understand the pre run barking etiquette.

239 runners and walkers took part. The results are here. It's a great way to start the weekend.

Sunday morning saw me marshalling at Wythenshawe's 5 km Community Run.

I was at 'Alty Out', where the route leaves the park for a few hundred metres to run along the Altrincham Road pavement. Mark Coffey arrived ahead of everyone else on his second lap, having just passed 'Tail Runner' Graham and his team at the back of the small field of runners, on their first lap.

I think this is Andrew, all alone in third position.

Others eventually followed, including a pushchair combo that was well ahead of Sue, who can be seen in the distance.

Graham and his team soon arrived on their second lap, and my duties were over. What did surpise me was the game of cricket going on in the background despite the field being rather muddy!

Full results are here.

After jogging home, I wandered into De Quincey park - it's quite colourful just now.

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