Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Wednesday 15 May 2024 - Lael Forest Garden and the Auchindrean Path


My first job on this perfect summer’s day was to drop Sue off near the end of Loch Glascarnoch, from where she was to climb to the 953 metre summit of Am Faochagach. She was wearing trainers in expectation of a deepish river crossing.

I adjourned to the south car park at Lael Forest Garden, where visitors are challenged to identify up to 200 different species of trees. I was simply happy to enjoy the shade provided by the trees.

After a while I descended beside a gorge where I failed to find a good place to photograph the waterfall, the view from which is shown below.

There were lots of wild flowers beside the path, including Carpet Bugle.

I couldn’t resist a visit to the nearby gallery and café, where I enjoyed a brownie and a chat with two Canadian girls who had hired bicycles from Inverness for a ride around the north of Scotland.

Yellow Pimpernel was in flower in the woods.

Also seen, with pictures to follow:
Germander Speedwell
Welsh Poppy
Lanky Moss

Returning to the south car park, I crossed the bridge to the Auchindrean path. This lovely manicured grassy path led me eventually to Junction Pool. Sue would have loved swimming here. It’s where two rivers converge near Cuileig.

My route took me up to a good track with several deer gates, leading back to Auchindrean Farm.

Throughout this walk, banks of bluebells were to be admired.

Here’s a view towards the end of the walk. Copper Beech trees have recently been planted here.

Welsh Poppies beside the bridge to Auchindrean.

Here’s my 8km route.

Then I returned to Loch Glascarnoch to pick up Sue from her successful Munro bagging walk, where the expected river crossing was possible using stepping stones and keeping feet dry. Not that she was stopped from enjoying a ‘wild swim’!


bowlandclimber said...

Have you taken to wandering Martin? re your map.
How many Munros has Sue got left?
You are in the right place for the weather at the moment.

AlanR said...

Well done Sue.

Phreerunner said...

Three loops BC. No need to carry a bag or spare clothes etc.
Sue doesn't know how many Munros she has left to do. She just likes ticking them off. Especially in this superb weather.

Sir Hugh said...

See my comment on your next post. I read that one first.