Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Wednesday 9 October 2024 - A Phoenix Park Circuit

I'd advertised this ride, so felt obliged to do it despite rain and no other takers apart from Sue, who joined me for a 22km outing to Lymm before turning back. She took the above photo before retreating to Timperley

I left the Trans Pennine Trail (TPT) here, taking back roads and tracks to avoid the angry dog walkers of Lymm, before joining the Bridgewater Canal towpath at Moore. Time for elevenses.

On then to Runcorn and Phoenix Park, where the cafe was well sealed up, as expected.

On rejoining the towpath, autumn colours perhaps disguised the fact that it was still raining, albeit fairly gently, on the warm day, so not really at all less than pleasant.

I chose not to go to Norton Priory, as I think the cafe would have been shut. The North Townfield Bridge was crossed where the towpath was deserted in favour of a series of meadow paths, where I found a bench for another coffee break, to reach the Manchester Ship Canal. That canal was crossed, then the Trans Pennine Trail was joined. After a while, that trail re-crossed the Ship Canal, with the M6 and Thelwall Viaduct in view through the old railway bridge at Latchford.

The TPT then follows the disused railway line all the way to the outskirts of Altrincham. It passes by the Lymm Ranger Centre, where I found another bench on which to enjoy the last of my provisions.

There's a huge information board at the Ranger Cenre.

The Bridgewater Canal is rejoined before Seamons Bridge, for the final ride home along the towpath, to conclude this gentle 60km ride with about 250 metres ascent. I was home, and the bike was washed, by around 2:30, after our 9:30 start. Here's the route (click on the image to enlarge it).

Reports on previous similar outings can be found here.

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