After a nice ride in her new car seat with drinks holder that will stay in my car, obviating the need for recovery expeditions when the seat gets accidentally left in another car, Isabella spent some time with the campervan and it occupants.
Then the farmyard was visited, together with some of its naughty animals who didn't undersand the meaning of the fence.
After that, it was time to paint her nails to match today's pink outfit.
Then, while Grandad went for a coffee and chat with Fechin and Mike, Grandma and Isabella went 'scootering' at Wythenshawe Park. Fresh air and fun as usual, but no pictures.
Lots of beans and fish fingers later, a drawer in the living room yielded a fold out haunted house. This new toy provided endless fun, and it finished up at Isabella's house in Didsbury.
The campervan lady with the pink hat did lots of exploring.
Strange things were afoot at the back of the haunted house.
Jenga is always around in our house. Isabella hasn't got the hang of the actual game, but the tiles are good for making towers.
And what do children really enjoy?
Isabella decided a dance floor, with suitable music, was needed for the campervan family to enjoy their holiday.
Then there was time for some colouring - Isabella has got much better at this over the past couple of months - before she went home. She had been awake since 5:30am so we were instructed to avoid napping, and we managed that thanks to light traffic for the 20 minute journey and much rendering of '
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly'. We hope she woke a bit later on Saturday...
Not sure who was having the most fun building that brick tower?
She enjoyed the building (nearly) as much as the knocking down, and the dance floor was her idea.
You can tell from the last picture that it had been an exhausting day!
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