Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Friday 28 February 2025 - Walton Hill

This was a little more than an hour's walk from a National Trust car park (Nimmings Wood) and cafe in the Clent Hills. Just a short break on a journey further south, a few minutes to the west of Juncion 3 on the M5.

I set off on an anticlockwise circuit and soon came across Phil and two Sues. By coincidence they were doing a similar walk in the opposite direction.

I left them to their snacks and continued on from the viewpoint that provides fine views over the Midlands. Albeit rather hazy views today.

A little further up the hill I encountered The Four Stones. These  may look ancient and mysterious, but they were actually created in the eighteenth century for Lord Lyttleton as a folly to be viewed by visitors from down in the valley. 

My 5km circuit followed undulating paths like the one in the next two pictures.

There's a trig point on the 315 metre summit of Walton Hill. I'm still not good at selfies.

A broad path led back to the car park, where Sue was waiting and a latte and a cheese toastie went down well before our journeys continued.

Here's my route - 5.6km with 200 metres ascent, taking little more than an hour.

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