It’s the time of year that urgent attention to a TGO Challenge route creeps up on me. The deadline for experienced ‘Challengers’, in whose number I’m deemed to be included, is fairly imminent. Today’s advertised bike ride was shunned by the usual participants, and just as I was about to set off on my own on a 40 mile ride in reluctant daylight, it started to rain. So instead of a wet ride I’ve spent a few hours trying to devise my 12th and Sue’s 6th route across Scotland.
Oban to Montrose via Bridge of Orchy, Bridge of Gaur, Aberfeldy, Kirkmichael, Clova and Tarfside seems to fit a bill that’s not too demanding and should be manageable for my old limbs and Sue’s difficult Achilles. It’s about 200 miles, with 11,000 metres of ascent – less than 9,000 if we take our ‘feeling weak’ routes.
It’s intended to be vaguely sociable, and I already know that we will have good company in the form of Markus for most of the first day’s walk.
This is all subject to Sue agreeing to this route rather than a more difficult one from Torridon to Stonehaven.
Next TGOC 2019 page
I didn't know there was a boat across Loch Tay Martin, or do you two now walk on water as well...?
Haha - that's intended to be the forest track from Fearnan to Kenmore... Perhaps global warming and Brexit will combine to leave all that Remains of the island of Kenmore to form an independent state with EU status by the time of the Challenge?
Don’t give Nicola any more ideas, Martin. Please.
"A Route" is a climb on the Cow at Cow and Calf rocks, Ilkley.
It sounds as if the people of Yorkshire can match my wild imagination when naming their routes!
I thought you were going to do the Cape Wrath trail instead this year?
Oops, I'd forgotten about that Alan...
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