Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Tuesday 21 July 2015 - Pyrenees GR11 - Day 37 - A Rest Day in Puigcerdà (Hotel Maria Victoria)

A night without diarrhoea. Oh joy! And after breaded calamari and chips.

André, Tobi and I enjoyed a lovely relaxed evening at Bar Kennedy before adjourning to our relatively cool and quiet room.

At breakfast we encountered the first English GR11 walkers I've seen, Ian and Jules. I'd heard about them from German Martin. Their daughter joins them here for a couple of days, so having started on June 20 they will now be a day ahead of me and Tobi. Tobi and I plan to walk together at least as far as Setcases (three days away), when he intends to leave to attend to important business.

So there's an outside chance that I may see Ian and Jules again if I regain some of my earlier energy.

The three of us enjoyed a hearty buffet breakfast before trooping off to enjoy more coffee in the sunshine outside the Hotel Tèrminus. We were soon joined by the Dutch trio, Petra, Derk Jan and their daughter Jolijn. They confirmed that whilst the hotel was good, the night had been noisy. Petra has the distinctive red blotches of a heat rash, so pharmaceutical advice from Sue - involving the use of hydrocortisone cream - was obtained and much appreciated. They are wisely getting the train to our next port of call, Planoles, today. They have a cabin there for two nights, so Tobi and I hope to  see them tomorrow.

André was tearfully waved off. We will miss stories from his career as a laboratory technician responsible for the welfare of moths in Australia (hence his excellent English), African frogs (for many years) and latterly Zebra fish, after the researchers at Geneva University made him ship off all the frogs to the USA in favour of subject matter with a much shorter life cycle.

André also had military stories to tell of times before he managed to extricate himself from that particular Swiss burden, for example Alpine traverses carrying full military gear, or not - as some conscripts just had the barrels of their rifles sticking out of their kit, leaving the rest of the weapon at home.

Tobi and I decided to stick with our existing room at Hotel Maria Victoria, thus avoiding the hassle of moving. The hotel is shambolic and a mess, but the lift works, if not the water heater, and the staff are friendly. It seemed silly to move.

I still have loads of uneaten food that I've carted all the way from Encamp, so my principal requirements of loo roll and camping gas were easily obtained. The rest of the morning was spent on a park bench from which the top image was taken. Peaceful, tranquil and relaxing. Just what the doctor ordered.

Paella for lunch was closer to the diet prescribed by my pharmacist, and some natural yoghurt also went down and stayed in.

I was going to spend the afternoon reading my (reaching a climax - the excellent 'Invisible Guardian') book in the park, but dark clouds rolled in and I just managed to get back to the hotel as large raindrops started to splatter the narrow streets at about 3.30 pm.

Later, it was back to Bar Kennedy armed with a brolly from the hotel, for another nice meal.

Overall, a day that refreshes us - especially me - for the final stages of this quite lengthy journey.

Today's pictures were taken around Puigcerdà, a very jolly town with period buildings, narrow streets and excellent facilities. 

Next Day - Day 38

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Louise said...

That sounds better! Restful and rejuvernating.

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin, hello from german Martin. Sorry to hear about the Diarrhea, I caught that one before passing into Andorra. Hope I haven't passed that one to you... obviously you were more clever than I was NOT to stay in Hotel Terminus - i got the full broadside of fiesta I (the actual fiesta) and fiesta II (weekend party by country youth at the hot dog place).
Stopped it with fibre pills abd dry Muesli. Currently in Setcases, Hostal Ter can be recommended.
If you see Ian and Jules again, can you send me their contact details? My phone seems to
have "swallowed" them...

Phreerunner said...

Thanks Louise

Good to hear from you Martin. You've made good progress. Hopefully, whether or not I see them again, Ian and Jules will spot this and get in touch with you.

Good luck on your final few days.

Chantal and Joel said...

A rhythm song given courage to continue walking :
‘ratata peti peta petits pas petit bus
Si t’es fatigué t’as qu’à prendre l’autobus !

Dans la troupe, y a pas d' jambes de bois
Y a des nouilles mais ça n 'se voit pas
La meilleure façon d' marcher, c'est encore la nôtre
C'est de mettre un pied d'vant l'autre
Et d' recommencer ! »

HELLOOOOO-COUCOU MARTIN, from far away in the Alpes ! Just coming back from happy holidays with 3 of our grandsons in your picturesque England to let them have a look and love your original country…

Incredible adventure you’re living this time with bloody feet wich itch, diarrhea flattening, warlike mosquitoes : and we cross the fingers wondering if hopefully you’ll still have some hair under the hat to go home ? …

More seriously > Sue told us about your fantastic and memorable new trip "tras los Pirineos" and sorry to be late this time at your so detailed and interesting daily meetings : We’ll need delay to read all your adventures, but have already discovered all your so beautiful photos given idea of your trip and THANK YOU SO MUCH to transport us from your green England to this attractive spanish side of Pyrenees !!!

Very excited looking forward to your next stories of today and Hoping that you're having a happy day by that time we're writting you !

All the best

Phreerunner said...

Well hello Chantal and Joel. It's great to hear from you and especially to hear that you have been enjoying the UK. You know that we are hoping that you will visit us in Timperley one day.
I'm here in Planoles just now with my best GR11 friend Tobi, shortly going for a meal with a friendly Dutch family who are doing part of the route.
Everything seems to be functioning normally again today!

Harry Ardiff said...

Hi Marin, good to hear the feet are better and the tummy is settling down. You are some man to keep going under those conditions. Still looking on enviously at the great photos. Isnt funny how you went so long without hooking up and then you collect a troop! Continued good walking. Harry

Phreerunner said...

Thanks Harry, I'm looking forward to an enjoyable last few days, but I'll probably be on my own for most of them. Feet and stomach are happily back to normal.

Alan Sloman said...

Good to hear that you're back to ship-shape, Sir.

It's utterly miserable being unwell on a walking trip.