Don joined me for this repeat of a route devised by Greg Barber and taken on 23 March 2016 together with his dad, Paul. I reported on it here.
On a lovely autumn morning, we enjoyed a coffee, then set off from Rivington Great House Barn at about 10:30, soon arriving at the scaled down ruin of Liverpool Castle.
A pleasant woodland stretch then led to the long ascent to the heights of Lever Park.
The rough track becomes a little more forgiving after its high point, beyond which we descended the middle track through the Terraced Gardens, passing under this ornate bridge.
Once the tarmac is reached, there's a great descent to Alance Bridge, and a good view across Yarrow Reservoir.
Heapey Fold Lane is a rough track that ascends above Anglezarke Reservoir, with views across to the reservoir.
Don and I diverted to the top of Healey Nab, where we paused for a 'coffee and cake' break.
Good tracks then led us to a right turn down a narrow bridleway to a bridge over the River Yarrow. Luckily, on this occasion, no punctures were sustained.
Here's the track before it crosses the river.
After crossing the M61 motorway, we continued to enjoy a brief rest next to a pond outside the Bay Horse. Can you spot the lazy heron?
The undulations that are a feature of this route took us along tarmac to the dam at the end of Anglezarke Reservoir, where a host of black-headed gulls glinted in the foreground.
Back at Yarrow Reservoir, there was a fair amount of water cascading down the steps from the reservoir.
Don's chain had been increasingly annoying as it failed to adhere to its allocated cogs, and here it gave up completely, by breaking.
Luckily, with less than 2km to go, we could walk/free wheel back to the barn.
Here's the route - 19km, 400 metres ascent, taking 2.5 hours. A lovely way to spend a morning, and thank you Don for your company.
8/11 - Meet at Timperley Bridge at 8:30 for a 70km circuit via Pennington
Flash, Sankey
Valley and Trans Pennine
Trail.Wednesday 10/11 - depending on weather - a ride of up to
40km from Ramsden Reservoir (SE115056), over Holme
Let me
know if you plan to come along.
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