Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Sunday 24 September 2023

Oscar the Dog, RIP

It's with great sadness that we report that Oscar the Dog passed away last Friday after a short illness. He was 13 years old, which is good going for his breed, who are susceptible to heart problems. But his heart was fine - it was a suspected tumour that caused the illness. He was happy at the very end, pictured below in his final minutes with his snout appropriately in a Happy Meal.

I enjoyed many 5km walks around Bacup with Oscar. He was more than happy to be fastened to a fence post and smell and eat the grass whilst I admired the landscape.

"Come on boss, I'm ready to walk, there are no good smells on this tarmac..."

"I really do love the heated floor in mummy's new bathroom!"

Condolences go to Kate, and to Jacob and Jessica who have had Oscar as a companion for their entire lives.


Sir Hugh said...

You have my sympathy. My Springer Barney came with me to Arnside and eventually passed away at the age of sixteen, and I then took over my daughter's springer Jake and he then passed away about twelve years ago. I still miss both of them so I know how it feels.

Phreerunner said...

Thanks Conrad, it's my daughter Kate who is most upset - she's lost the little shadow that followed her through last year's cancer and her return to fitness.