Would you believe it! Four weeks since we last had Isabella for the day, and it was only a short visit from her today as her mum wanted to spend part of a day off with her daughter...
A routine visit to Walton Park found Isabella eschewing some of the delights of the children's playground in favour of kicking a ball around the tennis courts.
Then a few minutes playing ball with a couple of friendly chaps who were also enjoying the freedom of the park.
Time for home. Unseen, in the pushchair, is the ball that has to be carefully returned to its home.
"This roundabout makes me dizzy!"
"Look, that's our house up there..."
Back at home, some new toys handed down from her cousins went down very well with Izzie. Thanks to Jacob and Jessica, and their mum, for providing these.
Then lunch, a sleep, and a trip home - another day with Isabella has passed in a flash.
Time then, to re-read the final two chapters of a book that I've been lucky to discover through Sue's book club. I can't think of a book with a more apposite final sentence.
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